Traveller’s Journey

“The more I get to know the place,

The more I get curious, excited and amaze!!”


August 29, 2011; 10:00 am. That was the very first time I stepped on Quiapo. Before we arrive, I am so excited to see and learn about Quiapo particularly the church of Quiapo where there are many devotees of Black Nazarene. Continue reading

Life is Beautiful

“I am beautiful, no matter what they say
Words can’t bring me down…”

Those are few lines from the song “Beautiful” by Christina Aguilera. When I first hear the title of the movie; that’s the first thing that came to my mind. I was thinking about an ordinary movie that will show us how beautiful life is, the goodness of life and all positive ideas about a beautiful life.

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Art for Life

I Love Art For Life

Art For Life lets you discover different graphic designs, layouts and knowledge about the blogger’s view on how to make an effective layouts and designs. It also discusses about the information, experiences, articles, insights, interests of the blogger and how art affects our daily living.. Hope you like it and enjoy!! 🙂

Photoshop for beginners – The 6 Most Important First Steps

 Photoshop for beginners can often result in lots of wasted time by learning bits and pieces from various sources which often leads to poor technique and shabby results. It is better to learn a logical approach with the essential Photoshop tools from the outset to make your future Photoshop life easier. Here is a professional’s list of the 6 most essential steps you should learn first to gain rapid confidence with Photoshop.

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